In this blog, we will be discussing the methods which you can use to clean each part of your bathroom with bleach. To buy bleach, you may click here.
How to clean tiles with bleach
How to clean bathroom floor with bleach
In a bucket full of water mix half cup of bleach. Leave this mixture aside and mop the bathroom floor with normal water. Before the floor completely dries, use the bleach solution to mop the floor. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then wash the whole floor with warm water. This practice will be great for cleaning any dirt and also disinfecting the bathroom.
How to clean wall tiles with bleach
Take a spray bottle of about 1 litre and add around 1/8th of a cup of bleach into it and mix. Before applying this solution on the tiles, wipe them once with a wet microfiber cloth. Spray the solution on the tiles while they are still wet. Let it sit for 5 minutes. This method should be able to clean the stains as well as disinfect your bathroom tiles. After 5 minutes, wash the tiles properly with warm water. With the help of a good towel, dry the tiles by dabbing on them.
How to clean grout with bleach
We use the same solution that we made for cleaning the floor. In a bucket full of water add a half cup of bleach. With a paintbrush or a cotton swab apply the solution only on the grout area carefully. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash it properly with hot water. Dry the grout with a good towel.
How to clean tile stains with bleach
To clean stains with bleach, mix 10 parts of water with one part of bleach. Saturate a towel with this mixture and apply it on the stain. You may also use a paper towel instead of a cloth towel. This towel will then absorb the stain into itself after 10 minutes. If that has not happened let it sit for a longer time. This method works amazingly well for bloodstains, ink stains, hard water stains, etc.
How to clean washbasin with bleach
In a gallon of water mix half a cup of bleach. Saturate a towel with this mixture and wipe the whole wash basin with this towel. Let the mixture work on the basin for five minutes. After five minutes, clean the washbasin thoroughly with hot water. Dry the washbasin with a dry towel.
If there are any particular stains, spread the towel on the stain and let it sit for fifteen minutes. After that, wash with hot water properly.
How to clean bathroom rug with bleach
In order to clean a bathroom rug with bleach, you need to first soak it overnight in soapy water. The next morning, wash it properly. You may also use a brush if you like. You may also use silicone gloves which have bristles like okayji silicone kitchen magic gloves for dishwashing rubber dishwashing with brush cleaning scrubber – 1 pair, pink in color. To check this one on amazon, click here.
The next step is to mix 8 cups of water and one cup of bleach to make a solution. Dip the brush in the mixture and brush the rug properly so as to get this solution inside the rug’s fibers. You may use silicone gloves or a brush with good bristles such that the bristles work the fibers of the rug. Wash away the rug intensively after 5 minutes. Then air-dry the rug. Do not even think about tossing it into the dryer because that will harm the fibres immensely.
How to clean faucets with bleach
In a litre of water, add 1/8 th of a cup of bleach. Mix the two ingredients well and using a good microfiber cloth, wipe the faucets nicely with this solution. Before taking such steps, do a spot test on your faucet. For the spot test, wipe a small area of your faucet with the wipe and wash after two minutes. Check the next day if there has been any discolouration.
How to clean the bathroom drain with bleach
Pour some boiling water down the drain. After about 5 minutes, pour one cup of bleach down the drain. After 5 minutes, clear out the bleach from the drain by pouring boiling water again.
How to clean stains with the help of bleach
In order to clean any sorts of stains using bleach, you need to saturate a paper or cloth towel with a solution of bleach and water. The ratio of bleach and water should be one is to ten. After saturating the towel with the solution, spread it over the stain and let it stay there for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash thoroughly with hot water once you are done.
How to clean the toilet bowl with vinegar
We use the ratio of 1 is to 10 while making the solution of bleach and water. For example, if you take 10 cups of water, then you need to add one cup of bleach into the solution. Spray the solution all over the toilet bowl- inside and outside. Let it sit for 15 minutes and with gentle scrubbing remove any others stains that you notice. Rinse properly with hot water and flush the toilet in the end.
How to clean drain strainers with bleach
To clean your drain strainers with bleach, remove them from the drain and let them soak in a solution of water and bleach. Take a litre of water and add one cup or 240ml of bleach. Let the strainers soak in this solution for 1 hour. Take the strainers out of the mixture and wash them with warm water. If the strainers are not removable, then spray the same solution on them and let it be for one hour. End the process by washing them with warm water. Also, make sure that you dry them with a good towel.
How to clean glass shelves and Windows with bleach
Bleach helps a lot in cleaning dust, grease and mildew from glass Windows and shelves. The first step is to clean the windows and shelves with soapy water. After some time you apply bleach on the glass windows and shelves and wash liberally with hot water. Make sure that you dry them with the help of a good towel or else they will sustain water stains. You may also dry it with a good squeegee like Jet Clean Window Cleaning & Washing Kit – Squeegee & Microfiber Window Washer- Pro Window Cleaning Kit-13.5″ Cleaner for Glass, Mirror, Shower, Auto. Click here to view it on amazon
How to clean the bathroom shower curtain with bleach
If you want to give your shower curtain a machine wash, then along with the shower curtain add two or three towels in the washing machine. This step is important so that the shower curtain does not crinkle. In the machine, add half a cup of bleach with a quarter of a cup of detergent soap. Then run the machine’s cycle.
If you are thinking about hand washing the shower curtain, you need to follow the following steps. In a bucket of water, add one and a half cups of bleach. Soak only the lowermost part of the curtain in the bucket. We do this because the lowermost part is the dirtiest. Let it soak for around 3 hours. Wash thoroughly with water and see the drastic changes. If there is still some cleaning left, scrub the shower curtain with a brush or sponge. Then for the next three hours, soak the rest of the curtain in the bucket. Your curtain will be good as new!
How to clean the bathtub with bleach
Soak the bathtub overnight in soapy water to loosen the grime and grease. Next morning, in a bucket of water, add a cup of bleach and spray this solution All over the bathtub, inside and outside. Let it sit for 15 min and then with the help of a sponge wipe the bathtub properly. After another 5 minutes, wash the whole bathtub with hot water.
How to clean the showerhead with bleach
If your shower head is detachable, remove it and soak it in a solution of bleach and water. In 1 litre water, add one-eighth of a cup of bleach. Let the showerhead soak in this solution for about four to five hours. If the shower head’s condition is extremely bad, let it soak overnight.
In case it is not detachable, spray the same solution on the showerhead and let it sit overnight. The next morning wipe it clean with the help of a sponge. Then wash it thoroughly with water. Before you go ahead with any of these practices, you must make sure that your showerhead’s polish will not wear off. If you are not sure, check with your manufacturer. If that is also not a possibility, then try a spot test. To do this spot test- on a very small area of a showerhead, apply this solution and let it sit overnight. Wash it properly the next morning and check if there has been any sort of discolouration. If the results signify damage, then do not clean your showerhead with bleach.
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