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Best Motherboard For Gaming

Nowadays more people are interested in purchasing separate components and assembling the computer by themself. If you are one such person, you will have the requirement to buy a different motherboard for making all the CPU parts. The motherboard purchase is not just for assembling the computer, but it can also be used when you are trying to expand or upgrade your CPU. The motherboard is a component that is commonly available in most electronic devices, including mobile phones and computers. If you are looking for a perfect motherboard suitable for your CPU with a particular i5 processor, reading this passage will provide an idea for you. There are various processes available in the market, and choosing the best processor to determine its speed and functioning. Along with the Processor, the quality of the motherboard you are using should also be perfect. Only if there is a proper synchronization between the processor and the motherboard will the entire computer be perfect. So before choosing the motherboard that will be perfect for the i5 processor, you have to understand the processor in detail so that the choice can be perfect.

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Gigabyte B365M DS3H Wi-Fi Intel B365 Ultra Durable Motherboard 

InfCloud MSI H81M-P33 Motherboard 

Zebronics H61 Chipset Motherboard Kit 

What is a motherboard?

The motherboard is a basic component of a central Processing Unit responsible for connecting the elements present within them. For example, when a processor tries to send a message to the RAM, it is connected through the motherboard. It is not just the processor and RAM, but there are also other components, including permanent storage devices and Graphics Processing Unit. If you are trying to alter the computer’s level, the first thing you have to do is expand the motherboard with the help of the expansion slots that will be commonly available in the advanced models. So the first step while choosing a motherboard is to make sure that it is available for the future. 

i5 Processor

Intel group of companies has introduced a wide range of processors that are more useful and perfect for multiple purposes. The i5 processor is considered a gaming processor designed to be used for gaming purposes only. Though this processor can be used for other requirements, it is particularly designed for gaming and animation only. So the motherboard you are choosing should be perfect and get well along with the i5 processor. This processor comes along with six different cores and six other threads. This processor can be combined with a Z390 chipset motherboard, which can be forced to run on boost or max turbo. The motherboard you select should also have other important features that need to be considered. Let us now discuss and learn them for a perfect purchase. 

Price range

The budget is an important factor when choosing a perfect motherboard for the i5 processor. When selecting a motherboard for i5 Processor, select a model that comes between a price range of 5000 to 15000 rupees. So when you are purchasing a motherboard, make sure that it was within this price range because you need some of the essential features to be present in the motherboard. Also, make sure to purchase a model that comes with pre-built functions like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technology for saving money during future upgrades.


When it comes to motherboards, there are very few brands available that are of good quality. Even though multiple branches present, choosing a brand like Gigabyte or Asus will be a good choice to make them work correctly along with the i5 processes. Since the I5 and I7 processors are of high maintenance, using a proper set of motherboards with good quality will be required. Make sure to purchase a model that goes well along with the i5 processor in terms of quality and heat dissipation.


The next important factor that you need to consider while purchasing a motherboard is the size, which is essential in most cases. So when you are purchasing a motherboard, make sure that it has a size that will be sufficient to hold the i5 processor and also with multiple storage slots for Ram and hard disk drives. Under such situations, a micro ATX or an ATX model motherboard will be a suitable choice. The design factor of the motherboard plays an important role during selection.


When you are selecting a motherboard, it should have a proper set of sockets. Since we are searching for a suitable motherboard for the i5 Intel Core processor, the best option is to go for the LGA model mother mode with a perfect socket. Nowadays, the upcoming motherboards are much more advanced, and hence they have sockets that are suitable for every generation. So if you choose a motherboard for the tenth generation i5 processor, then there is a different type of LGA socket you should choose. If you are specific about your choices, you can always go for a particular type of motherboard with a suitable socket. Sometimes, people will have mild confusion in terms of the socket, and under the situation, the best option is to go for a motherboard that supports multiple sockets and processors. 


Every motherboard has a particular set of memory slots that allows you to use the Random Access Memory storage to a certain extent. Under such conditions, when you are purchasing a motherboard, make sure that it has a storage slot that comes up to 16 GB storage space. This is utterly essential because when you are using an i5 processor, the computer applications will also be advanced, especially if you are using them for gaming applications. Under such conditions having RAM storage of 16GB will be the right choice. They are not just sufficient but also useful under multiple accounts. Similarly, when you are purchasing, make sure that it has at least more than two memory slots to fix a single 4GB or 8GB RAM in a slot and leave the other slot free for future upgrades. This will reduce the pressure for future upgrades to a certain extent.

SATA cable

SATA is a particular port present in the motherboard and is required for connecting the motherboard with disk drives and other optical storage devices. Under such situations, this specific motherboard should have a proper set of Advanced SATA versions to ensure the quality of the product. So in this situation, the best option available is to go for the third version of the SATA. This model allows you to connect high-powered hard disk drives and solid-state drives without any connecting issues. While purchasing a motherboard, make sure that it comes with multiple slots that allow the proper connectivity of the internal storage devices. They are more powerful and should have space for expansion. 

Extra features

When you are purchasing a product, make sure that it comes with the extra features required for proper connectivity. For example, when you say proper connectivity, some essential requirements include having ports like USB and audio connectivity ports necessary for daily needs. This feature is another vital feature called heat dissipation Technology. The motherboard’s temperature is reduced from time to time using an exhaust fan and other types of techniques. Purchasing a motherboard with this particular feature will ensure that you have proper connectivity and last forever, even when you are working for more than 8 hours continuously.

The next important feature that is to be considered is a graphic card slot in the motherboard. Since you are purchasing an i5 processor for extensive usage, having an extra graphics card within the motherboard will be a good advantage on your side. For example, if you will use the processor for entertainment and editing purposes, then the graphic card will not be necessary. But for gaming requirements, you will need an extra graphic card. So the best option is to have an extra card that can be used in the future. Given below are some of the examples of a perfect motherboard that you can purchase. These are our personal choices that we have analyzed, and if you are interested, you can buy a product from these examples. You can always go for an option that you prefer based on the standards we have given above.

Gigabyte B365M DS3H Wi-Fi Intel B365 Ultra Durable Motherboard with 8118 Gaming LAN, PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2, RGB Fusion 2.0, Intel® Dual-Band 802.11ac Wi-Fi, CEC 2019 Ready

Gigabyte is a company that has been gaining more popularity every day with its improved performance and quality products. The company has manufactured a wide range of products, including motherboards and other accessories related to a desktop computer. The quality of their products is good, and they are well known among the people for the innovative configuration that can be used in modern technology machines. They have a special team designing motherboards that are good and have some special features like the extension capability, sockets, and extra features that make the motherboard more powerful. One of their recent product is the Gigabyte B365M DS3H Wi-Fi Intel B365 Ultra Durable Motherboard with 8118 Gaming LAN, PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2, RGB Fusion 2.0, Intel® Dual-Band 802.11ac Wi-Fi, CEC 2019 Ready. 

This particular motherboard comes with various features that can be used for gaming and professional purposes. If you are interested in purchasing a perfect motherboard, this particular brand and model will be the right choice. It can be used for or multiple processes from the Angel brand and has various features, including RGB fusion and other connectivity-based technology. This will allow your computer to have a useful feature that can be used in the feature. Even if you do not need it, purchasing an advanced motherboard will allow you to upgrade it in the future according to your requirements.

Processor – This particular motherboard allows you to use all Intel Core processors that come along with the 8th and 9th generation. So whether it is an i5 or i7 processor using the 9th generation Technology-based Intel Core processors will be the best option. When you are using a processor and that, there are other features like RAM and hard disc that need to be taken into account. This particular motherboard comes along with dual-channel DDR4 RAM Technology. So now, with the help of this motherboard, you can use a high technology-based processor combined with a powerful random-access memory card that has storage of nearly 16GB.

Technology connectivity: This particular motherboard allows you to connect with other digital devices with Wi-Fi technology and Bluetooth. It can process Bluetooth connectivity 4.2 version. It also comes along with a special M.2 that can be used for heat dissipation. They are also responsible for the SATA interface and have an RGB fusion used for lighting LED strips. 

If you are interested in purchasing this product, you can directly buy them from Amazon or go to the shop directly. This particular motherboard comes with a special PCI graphics card interface that can be used for a clear display of normal operations and gaming Technology.

InfCloud MSI H81M-P33 Motherboard for 4th and 4th Refresh/5th Generation Intel i3/i5/i7 Processors (OEM with IO Shield only)

Include is a company that is well known for manufacturing high-quality processors and other types of components required for creating a perfect computer. They manufacture a wide range of products, including HDMI cable, hard disk drive, motherboard, CD drives, and other types of accessories required for completing a perfect CPU. Among their products, the motherboard plays a vital role because of its high quality and the configuration that will allow them to expand in the future. There is a wide range of models available in the area of motherboards. They have a special team dedicated to designing unique motherboards suitable for the current Technology products, including processes hard disk drives and Random Access Memory. One of the recent products is the InfCloud MSI H81M-P33 Motherboard for 4th and 4th Refresh/5th Generation Intel i3/i5/i7 Processors (OEM IO Shield only). 

This particular motherboard comes along with a variety of features that makes it much more unique and special. They allow only a particular set of processes to be installed within them, along with a unique configuration of RAM and hard disk drive. They also have special shields that can protect them against short-circuiting and allow them to work for a long time. Let us now see their features in detail before finalizing them. 

Processor – The motherboard allows you to install only Intel core processors that belong to the particular 4th generation and 5th generation. The sockets will enable you to attach the motherboard to special I3 I5 and I7 processors unique and Powerful. If you are looking for a simple CPU, then a standard i3 processor will be sufficient. But for an advanced model, you can go for an i7 Processor. But despite the requirement, you can initially go for a basic processor and then expand it to the advanced processor according to your requirement.

Features: When you use this motherboard, you will have the ability to use a Random Access Memory with a storage capacity of up to 16GB. If you are going for an i3 processor, then a memory of 4 to 8GB will be enough. But when you go for high range processes, it is better to go for a high range Ram to ensure the quality and fast processing technique. The frequency range of this motherboard will be up to 1600 megahertz. It also has proper space for hard disk drive storage and graphic Unix storage that allows you to expand the motherboard in the future if required.

This particular motherboard is available for a low price with a good warranty period. If you are satisfied with the quality of the motherboard, you can place an order on Amazon. This product also has special shockproof technology that prevents the components from getting damaged in the future. The motherboard also has proper provisions for extra fittings like LED lights and fans to cool down the CPU.

Zebronics H61 Chipset Motherboard Kit with Processor i5 3470 2.90Ghz + 8GB DDR3 RAM + Free CPU Fan

Zebronics is a company that has been well established in the market with its high-quality audio accessories like headsets and digital players. Along with these accessories, they are also well known for manufacturing a wide range of internal parts of a computer, including motherboard and storage drives. The company has a specific team for designing products that are unique and embedded with the latest technology. They have understood the importance of motherboards and how they will have the ability to be used even after ten years. So the company has created a special configuration that will allow the motherboard to be updated in the upcoming future. If you are interested in purchasing this product, then the best model will be Zebronics H61 Chipset Motherboard Kit with Processor i5 3470 2.90Ghz + 8GB DDR3 RAM + Free CPU Fan. 

This particular motherboard product is one of the advanced designs available in the market by a particular brand. Most people trust purchasing products from this brand because they have established well-known confidence among the people in terms of quality. This particular model comes with a design that supports a good configuration of Processor and RAM and other features that are well established.

Processor – The motherboard can support a wide range of processors. But the best processor that goes well along with this motherboard is the intel core i5 processor. This processor allows the motherboard function at a faster rate with a speed of 2.90 gigahertz. This particular i5 Processor is well known as a gaming processor and suitable for programming requirements also. This processor can be combined with high-quality RAM with a speed of up to 8 GB in this motherboard.

Features: The motherboard allows you to configure a CPU with a good hard look capacity, RAM storage, and other features. It has a special provision for connecting the fans that can be used well and the motherboard to reduce the heat while processing. Shockproof technology and other audio portals allow you to enjoy good connectivity. It also supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity to a greater extent. Purchasing this motherboard will allow you to work on the computer for formal requirements and also for casual requirements. 

This particular motherboard is powerful, but they also have a good quality that allows you to use them for a long time. Even though it is impossible for you to upgrade to a better processor in the future, you can still upgrade other components like there and storage and hard disk storage to a certain extent. The processor can be purchased directly from the Amazon website or also purchased from the computer hardware stores.