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Best Foam For Sofas In India [Reviews & Buying Guide]

Choosing the best sofa among these designs might be a difficult choice. Read the passage to understand about foam-based couches and how to purchase them.

There are a variety of sofa sets available in the country. Sometimes people feel difficult while having to choose a sofa that will last for the next decade. In such cases, the only solution available is to look for the features and quality of the sofa. When it comes to the term quality, certain things need to be taken into account. They include the outer cover, inner frame, and also the phone that fills up the sofa to give the cushion-like effect. Different manufacturers use different types of foam material to manufacture the sofa sets. If you want to select a sofa based upon the type of foam material, then it is essential to understand all kinds of foams are available in the market and their properties. These foams are the core part of the sofa, and it is necessary to know about them in detail. There are seven types of different foam materials available in the market. Let us see them in detail.

Product Buying Guide:

Compressed polyester

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Aart Store High-Density Foam One Seater Sofa Cums Bed Furniture (3x6 ft) Blue

Furny Dreamstyle Three Seater Sofa Cum Bed

LUCID 8 Inch Convertible Foam Sofa and Foldable Play Mat

This cushion is made up of polyester material, and it is commonly used instead of the actual foam. These sofas are highly dense, and they are much better than the traditional foam as they don’t disintegrate or change into a pulp colour after using it for a year. They do not harden also. Because of this very reason, people have started preferring this alternative option as a replacement. Their price is too low, and they are the best option in the market. These foams can be washed and dried off without any hassle. They are mainly suitable for sofa sets that are placed on the balcony and the outer areas. They can withstand extreme temperatures and can last longer. 

Polyester fiberfill

Similar to the above, this is also a replacement for original foam and made up of polyester. This polyester fiberfill is in the form of fibres, and they are blown to get a fibre look. This type of polyester fiberfill is most commonly used in pillows as stuffing and also in the cushion part of the sofa sets. They are non- allergenic and can be washed from time to time. If they rollup after the wash spread them using your hand. 

Medium Density Polyurethane Antimicrobial Foam

This type of foam is used commonly in o door seating arrangement. Though these exceptional antimicrobial foams can absorb water, they still can prevent the growth of mould. But even, they should be prevented from getting wet by covering them in a water-resistant sheet before placing them inside the cushion. The antimicrobial properties prevent the question from getting affected by various types of mould. This foam is also used for making seater in boats. 

High-density polyurethane foam

They are similar to the medium density polyurethane foam, but they have higher density. This foam is also antimicrobial. This foam comes with medium firm and natural firm levels. These foams are widely used for making sofa sets and various other foam-based requirements like beds. These sofa sets can be used for rough usage and can last up to 12 years.

Dry fast open-cell foam

This type of foam is made up of multiple numbers of pores, and hence they allow the water and air to flow through them quickly. They are also suitable for manufacturing sofa sets and cushion seats on the sofa. They are sometimes used along the outdoor fabric material to create sofas that can be used in the outdoors and balconies. They can withstand extreme heat and rain. Even when they absorb a large amount of water, they can rapidly dry at a faster rate. But one major problem with this type of foam is that there are many duplicate materials available in the market. To make sure that the foam you bought is original, pour a glass of water over the foam. If it passes out down, then the foam is unique, and if it passes through the sides, then it is duplicate. So check the type of foam before purchasing the sofa. But these foams are well suitable for all kinds of sofa sets both internal and external areas.

Closed-cell foam

When compared to the other types of foam, this is the most suitable waterproof foam out there in the market. This condition is because the pores are tightly shut in this foam, allowing no water to pass through it. As a result, these foams can float on water and used as sheets for boat-based seaters. These foams are a bit heavy, and sometimes they are mixed with dry fast foams for commercial usage. In such situations, these foams are slightly cut to allow water in. They are also expensive at the same time. So these foams are generally combined with other foams to form the best form of seating arrangements. 

Fabric backed sew foam

This foam is commonly used in upholstery based applications. They are made up of polyurethane material and widely used for holding the adhesives. Because of this, the foam is sewn together to form the upholstery with folds and other creases. They are used along with the other hard sofa material to make the edges soft and provide a cushion effect. The primary usage is to make it possible for upholstery. This type of foam is thin and available in quarter and half-inch thickness. Because of this reason, these types of foams are used in sofa sets to hold the material together. They are also used to glue them easily. Sometimes any one of the foam materials is used on a sofa. Still, most of the time, every sofa is made up of a combination of two or three types of foam materials to make it suitable for long term usage without any damage. So to buy a sofa set made up of foam material, it is essential to understand these foam types to make a perfect choice. Try to buy the sofa sets with the best combination of the foams that can last longer even under intense pressure.

How to maintain a foam sofa?

  • Whether it is a foam sofa or other standard types of sofa sets, it is essential to maintain the outer cover, inner foam, and the structure regularly for a good life. So, to keep the sofa, the following points should be noted or taken into account.
  • The first thing is to protect the outer surface of the sofa, even if it is upholstered and wrapped. The outer cover is the first thing that wears off on a sofa since the sofas are exposed to rough environments. So to maintain a sofa, wash the sheets regularly if they are washable. To let the dust particles to get collected on the surface as they might seep through the covers and reach the foam. It would be difficult to remove the dust from foam, and they might cause dust allergies in the future. So wash the outer cover or clean it regularly using a vacuum cleaner from time to time.
  • Also, if your fabric material is made up of cloth, then you can clean it or wipe it using the special fabric cleaners present in the market. The leather sofa sets can also be cleansed using the leather cleaner.
  • Do not clean these sofas with plain water because the waters might pass through the foams and damage the foams. There are only some foam materials that are resistant to water. If your sofa is not made up of that material, then washing it with water will cause damage.
  • If there is any accidental spill or stain, clean the surface of the sofa with a well squeezed wet cloth, wipe the stain. Do not wash it. Also, remember do not use soap water or any type of cleaning products as they might result in damage to the outer cover.
  • The final thing that needs to be noted while purchasing a sofa is to understand the type of foam used. If it is an outdoor foam like the open-pore foam, then place the sofa outside because they can withstand heat and rain. But never place the indoor foam sofas in the outdoors because they will not last forever. The sofa will be damaged within a couple of months. It is essential to make sure all these steps are followed regularly and if any issues with the sofa contact the company rather than working on it by yourself.
  • Given below are a set of sofas that have been moving out regularly in the market. They have multiple features and also with beautiful designs. Let us learn about them in detail, along with their unique characteristics.

Aart Store High-Density Foam One Seater Sofa Cums Bed Furniture (3x6 ft) Blue

Aart store is one of the growing companies in the country, and the company has been manufacturing a variety of sofa brands. They have a separate research and development team to create sofa designs with innovative technology and comfort. They use the best materials possible to create sofas that have increased durability and can last up to 15 years without any issues. They have chosen to travel the path that is less travelled by the Other sofa manufacturers. Most of the air sofa designs are not just simple designs, but they are embedded with multiple features. Their latest Aart store high-density foam one-seater sofa cum bed furniture is the best example of one such technology. This type of sofa is best suited for people who are looking forward to buying a couch that has more than one use. This particular type of sofa can be used as a sofa and also be used as a bed. This 2 in 1 sofa is useful for single bachelors who are looking forward to saving their money, and even for a family where they can greet an unexpected guest with an extra sofa that can be used as a bed. This sofa is made up of good material and best suited for the harsh environment since it is made up of good quality foam. Along with this sofa also contains a variety of other features that has persuaded people to purchase this particular sofa set through the online mediums like Amazon and even directly from the shops.

Foam – The sofa set is made up of high-density foam material combined with the fibre to provide a proper cushion effect. Since the phone is made up of high-density plastic, it prevents the water from flowing through and also the capacity to provide the rigidity required for trial. This sofa has a cushion feel. This condition is because the fibre material is placed on the top. So, the sofa is durable and water-resistant with a unique cushion effect.

2 in 1 feature – One of the most important elements present in this unique foam-based sofa is that it can also be used as a single bed. All you need to do is unfold the sofa unstructured to form a foundation. The foam material that is used inside the sofa is also suitable for beds. Hence they make the right choice of an extra bed. 

Cover – The outer cover is durable and made up of unique velvet material. The cover is also upholstered, and the cover can be easily removed and washed from time to time. Because of this reason, the sofa will remain new and fresh even after being used for an extended period. Also, these covers can be easily replaced with other sheets. The store sells these covers at a cheap rate, and you can purchase and use them alternatively if you are looking for a new look. The cover is one of the essential features of this product, and it is softer and more welcoming than the ordinary rough sheets.

Other than this the sofa also comes with a warranty. The sofa is present in a vibrant blue colour that will add beauty to your decor, and it is relaxing to the eyes. The colour and covers can be changed for special occasions. Also, this sofa allows you to sit comfortably and sleep peacefully. Their price is low, and they are made up of high-quality materials. 

Furny Dreamstyle Three Seater Sofa Cum Bed

Furny is an Indian based company that has been manufacturing foam-based sofa sets for the past few years. The company has gained immense popularity during the past few years with their products that are of high quality and durability. They are well known for their innovative, beautiful designs that have been created to save space and also provide comfort at the same time. One such creation is the new sofa that can also be used as a bed. This type of sofa size is more useful for people who are planning to host their guest or use the sofa as a bed during movie time. The sofa sets are also used by single bachelors who you are not willing to purchase a separate sofa and bed for decorating their house. They are well known for using high-quality materials that can last up to 10 years. From single-seater to advanced six-seater sofa sets you can purchase the product you like through Amazon or directly from their shops. Their new product is Furny Dreamstyle Three Seater Sofa Cum Bed that has been rocking the markets. These individual sofa sets come along with a high-quality cushion material that can be used for convenience. The foam is of good quality and dense. This provides a perfect base and a bouncy effect for the sofa set. 

These sofa sets are suitable for placing Windows, and they can be used however you require since they are made up of good quality cover that can be washed for any stains. Along with this, the sofa also contains multiple other features. Some of the features of the sofa include,

Foam – The sofa is made up of a good quality 36 density thick foam that prevents the flow of water. These foam materials are water and stain proof, and they can last for an extended period. The foam is also of good quality and dust not either away or turn into the soil after using them for a year. This phone material is also suitable for using the sofa as a bed. The foam is covered on the top with standard fabric foam to provide softness and make the sofa bouncy.

Outer cover – The outer cover is made up of unique polyester fabric material that is in a beautiful brown colour. The sheets can be easily removed and washed. The covers are strong enough to withstand multiple washes, and they can be purchased alone when required. The outer cover provides a complete look to the sofa, and they make it look beautiful for fantastic decor. The sofa is used as a complete three-seater and perfect for your comfort. The cover is also soft enough to lie down and sleep.

The sofa also comes along with other facilities like being a bed cum sofa material. The process of converting the sofa into a bed is simple and easy. They can be easily saved, making it suitable for you to change the position by yourself without any help. The sofa is of lightweight and can be carried around easily. They are used for proper daily usage and can be placed in the living area. 

LUCID 8 Inch Convertible Foam Sofa and Foldable Play Mat

Lucid is one of the growing companies in the country. They are well known for their innovative and technology based designs and create standard sofa sets and beds. Their models are much different, and they can be used for more than one reason. They are unique from other companies in the market, and so are their designs. Their latest product is Lucid 8-inch convertible foam sofa and foldable play Mat. This particular sofa can be used as a dull and straightforward sofa and also as a play mat. Any other company has not invented this type of technology as they mostly try to turn the sofa set into a bed but not a lounge or a play mat. Their latest innovative product is LUCID 8 Inch Convertible Foam Sofa and Foldable Play Mat – Durable Fashion Cover. This type of mat can be used as both a regular sofa set, a lounge, play mat and also as a bed. This type of play mat is dominant and can be used in any room. They can easily be moved from one place to another as they are of low weight. This type of foldable mat cum sofa can be easy to clean and maintain for an extended period. Along with the uses, they also have several other features that need to be noted before purchasing this particular sofa. 

Foam – The entire sofa is made up of 8 inches unique foam material that is lightweight and resistant to water. This type of foam material is convenient, and they are suitable for using the same sofa for multiple purposes. They are ideal for your guests and movie nights in the living room. They do not harden or wither away over a couple of years. 

Cover – The sofa cover is made up of grey linen-like a cover that can be washed and reused. These covers do not wrinkle easily, and hence they are best suited for rough usage, mainly when the sofa is used as a play mat. 

They do not have any structure like the other sofa sets, but they are strong, and the foam will last forever. They can also be folded easily and placed in one corner of the room. They are super comfortable and easy to maintain. If you are going out anywhere, they can also be carried around.

There are a variety of sofa sets available in the market with a variety of foams. So while purchasing a sofa set take a note on the type of foam that is being used and select them for indoor or outdoor placement depending upon it. Along with the structure and outer cover, the foam is also essential for deciding the location of the sofa set. Because when exposed to extreme conditions, the for might wither away and makes it impossible for you to sit on a sofa. So purchase the best sofa available in the market by choosing them based upon the features given above. You can buy most of the sofa nowadays through an online portal medium like Amazon and Flipkart.