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Best 4 Burner Glass Top Gas Stove In India

Even though some people hesitate to use four-burner gas stoves, they are still being purchased because of their requirement. Read Completely for details.

The usage of glass top gas stoves is increasing day by day. The main reason for this improvement is because of their stylish designs and efficiency. These glass top stoves can be placed in a small place because of their compact design even though there is a common fear of the glass breaking up due to intense pressure and heat. But recently the companies have introduced specially hardened glass material that can withstand pressure and temperature. They can withstand the objects with weight also. Along with that, other features were also developed to make these glass top stoves much useful and efficient for the ordinary people. So if you have decided to purchase a stove, then the first thing that needs to be done is to search the market through the internet about the features and other qualities of a stove that you expect. There are many designs present in the market. But they are all not good. You have to select a model that will suit your needs and be efficient for your cooking purposes. But some people might feel overwhelmed with the information produced before them. To make it easier, we have given below some of the features that need to be taken into account while looking for a glass top gas stove.

Our Top Pick Four Burner Glass Top Gas Stoves In India

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Prestige Marvel Glass 4 Burner Gas Stove, Black

Sunflame GT Pride 4 Burner Glass Top Gas Stove, Black (2 Year Warranty)

Pigeon Ultra Glass Stainless Steel Gas Stove (4 Burners)


The brand plays an essential role while purchasing a glass top stove. So if you are thinking about buying a stove, the first feature you have to look into is the brand. The brand is not just a name, but it is the trust that they have developed among the people due to their constant hard work and quality products. Purchasing a branded product will ensure safety and efficiency, along with an extended warranty. Even though the cost of these branded products is higher than the average local products, the protection they provide does not compare to the slight cost rise. So it is essential to purchasing a well-branded product like Prestige, Butterfly, Pigeon, etc. These brands also have service centres all over the country that can be used for constant repairs and other services. 

Glass quality

The next important feature to be noted while purchasing a glass top gas stove is their glass quality. The glass should be thick, and they should be hardened to prevent scratches and breakage. While cooking, it is common for the users to place the utensils on the glass. Even though it should be avoided regularly, the glasses should also be made more durable to withstand the random placements. The quality of the glass should be high, and they should also be able to withstand the heat produced continuously by the stove even if it is for longer hours. Anti-scratching technique is essential as most of these stoves are used for a long time. And hence being prone to scratches the stove might look old and damaged. So purchasing a glass top gas above with anti-scratching technology might make the stove look new and efficient even after a long period. Using a good glass will allow you to clean quickly and maintain them.


Another feature that must be noted while looking for a glass top gas stove is the burners. The burners should be made up of high-quality material like brass or heavy aluminium. Brass is the most common design used to spread the heat evenly and prevent rusting. Also, there are various types of burners available in the market, including double pin burner, triple pin burner, and 3D burner. Each of these burners provides a different level of flame and heating technique. Along with that, there are a variety of sizes available in the burner. Usually, the burners are available in three different sizes as a small, medium, and large. If you are purchasing a stove that has more than two burners, then make sure that they are of varying sizes. Because sometimes you might need a stove that produces a high flame, and sometimes you might need a stove that provides a low flame. Purchasing burners with different sizes will help you while cooking. Along with that, there is another thing that needs to be noted while purchasing a stove. It is the number of burners. If you are going for a stove that’s going to be fitted within the slab, then it is better to choose a stove with multi burners like 4 or 5 since they can last for more than 15 to 20 years. Even if you are purchasing a standalone stove always make sure that you have an extra burner so that they can be used during the emergencies for cooking the food quickly.

Knobs and stands

One of the essential features that need to be noted while purchasing a stove is the design of the knobs and the stands. The knobs should be easy to operate. Sometimes the stove might be produced by people who do not understand cooking for emergency purposes. In such situations, the knob should act as a guide rather than complicating the things. They should also be resistant to heat so that they do not damage even after continuous usage. So, similarly, if you are purchasing-alone alone stove, make sure that the stands are made up of good material so that they can withstand the heat and pressure provided by the stove. Just and should not cause any scratches on the surface, the stove was placed so they should have a rubber material that acts as a bush and allows the stand to hold the stove in place.

Ignition system

Another essential feature that needs to be noted while purchasing a stove is the ignition system. Some of the stoves use automatic ignition system where and electrical Spark is produced while turning on the knob. This Park will connect with the gas and create the flames. But one of the risk factors involved in this type of ignition system is that sometimes the Spark might fail to produce and the gas will start leaking. To prevent that, the recent models have an internal locking system that will prevent leakage when the Flames fail to appear. The next type of ignition system is the manual ignition system where the stove is lighted by using manual ignition like a matchstick. So when a matchstick is let the gas will connect with it and create flames. One of the risk factors involved in this type of stores is that the children in the home might unknowingly switch on the knob resulting in the leakage of gas.

This type of leakage can be prevented if you switch off the gas outlet after every time you finish your cooking. Along with that while purchasing a gas stove, make sure that it is entirely leakage proof including the gas nozzles. These nozzles should be durable and made up of good quality material to prevent themselves from rusting. There are risk factors available in both the ignition type but by being careful, and you can prevent the accidents. Always be sure to switch off the gas outlets before leaving the house and also after completing your cooking. Make sure to teach your children about the dangers of gaslighting. Also, ask them to stay away from the stove as much as possible. Keep a fire extinguisher at hand and also learn to use them in case of emergencies. Service the stoves regularly and change the gas tubes every year. The above are certain features that need to be considered before purchasing a glass top store model. To make it easier for you, we have also provided some glass top stove models that are best in the market. Let us see about them in detail along with their features and efficiency.

Prestige Marvel Glass 4 Burner Gas Stove, Black

Prestige is a well-known brand in the field of kitchen appliances. Purchasing a product from this brand ensures proper quality and efficiency. They have been manufacturing many kitchen products, including mixers, induction stoves, and gas stoves. One of their coveted creations is the full range of glass top gas stoves with various designs and features. They have service centres all over the country and offer free servicing until the warranty period ends. You can also repair the stove regularly when there has been an issue or any irregularity. So purchasing a product or gas stove from the Prestige company will definitely guarantee the quality. They have their very own research and development team that is involved in designing and manufacturing products that can compete with modern technology. One such latest product is The Prestige Marvel glass four-burner gas stove that has been attracting a lot of customers recently. This latest glass top stove with manual ignition system is being used by most of the households in the country. The stove is made up of 4 burners of different sizes and toughened glass that can withstand a lot of heat. This design allows you to cook four dishes at the same time. This saves a lot of your time and energy. Now with the help of these unique stoves, women will have more time to themselves as the cooking will be over soon. This unique gas stove is different from the other standard stainless steel stoves and has many features. Some of the essential features include,

Individual burners – The stove has four different burners. It includes two small burners, one medium burner, and one large burner. These burners are made up of unique brass material that can last for a lifetime without getting any rusting. The individual burners can withstand heat for an extended period, allowing you to cook for long hours, especially if you are slow-cooking a dish.

Toughened Glass – Most of the glass top gas stoves are made up of toughened glass material that can last without any breakage or scratches. This makes these gas stoves look new for an extended period. The glass is made up of unique German technology that can withstand both pressure and heat. 

Knobs and stands – The stove emits a lot of heat since there are four burners. So it is necessary for the stove and its parts to be prone to heat. The knobs of the stove are made up of unique Nylon material that prevents them from absorbing the heat. Similarly, the stand of the stove is also made up of the same material so that it can prevent the stove from moving away while cooking and prevent scratching on the surface. 

The entire body of the stove is powder-coated to prevent the absorption of heat and make it resistant to external damages like rusting and scratches. The size of the stove is 63.5 x cm, 60 x cm, 15.5 x cm. The stove is available in a sleek Black design that makes your kitchen look beautiful and adds to the decor. Purchasing this store will be an added advantage to your kitchen tools. This particular model is available in most of the online website portals like Amazon and Flipkart. They can also be bought from the Prestige showrooms open all over the country.



Sunflame GT Pride 4 Burner Glass Top Gas Stove, Black (2 Year Warranty)

Sunflame is a company that has been ruling the Indian markets for more than 30 years. They have been continuously aiming to provide the homemakers work products that can make their life more comfortable and luxurious. Their research and development team has always been trying to increase their production by coming up with some great ideas infused with modern latest technology. They have an extensive network range and service centres that allow you to service your store during your free time. The main vision of the company is to increase its production and satisfy the requirements of the customers. Their latest model is the special GT pride four glass top gas stove that contains four burners and a stylish design. The stove is made up of a black hardened glass material that is beautiful to look. They have infused it with modern technology to make the glass more reliable and metals free from rust. The stove is made up of a manual ignition system and can be used with stands. The stove, along with this, contains many unique features. It includes,

Stylish design – The stove is made up of black glass material that makes it look more shiny and beautiful. The glasses are made unique so that they do not break under pressure or heat. The cooking vessels can be placed on the top of the stove for a brief period without cracking the surface. The scratch-resistant coating will make your stove look shining and beautiful even after years of usage.

Burners – The stove contains two large burners and two small burners. These small burners can be used for cooking some on low flames. The burners are made up of high-quality brass to withstand heat and prevent rusting. Spill-proof plates and powder coated pans cover the burners. The spill-proof plates are used for avoiding spill on the surface. The pans are used for supporting the cooking vessels and home them on the place without moving. 

Along with these unique features, the stove has a powder-coated steel metal base that cannot rust. The ergonomic knob designs can withstand heat and last forever. All these features make the stove last longer and durable. With the help of these stoves, now women can cook faster. The stoves are ISI certified and can provide uniform heat all over the vessel. Purchasing this stove will be worthy, and your money won’t be wasted.

Pigeon Ultra Glass Stainless Steel Gas Stove (4 Burners)

When it comes to kitchen tools, Pigeon is a familiar brand that might not go unrecognised by the users. The brand has been ruling the market for nearly 15 years. The name Pigeon is associated with durability and efficiency. Glass top gas stoves have been one of their latest inventions, and they have manufactured multiple designs and models in that particular line. Pigeon has released glass top models with many designs with varying burners and different ignition techniques. Because of these properties and excellent services, the pigeon brand is preferred by the people. Their latest model Pigeon Ultra Glass Stainless Steel Gas Stove (4 Burners) is modelled beautifully with a sleek black glass top, and powder coated Black metal body. Due to these designs and efficiency, people have been continuously purchasing these four burner glass top stoves instead of buying the two-burner stoves. The burners are placed away from each other with proper spacing allowing you to cook freely without feeling crowded. This type of stove is used in restaurants also as they are efficient and easy to cook multiple dishes at the same time. These powerful stoves can be serviced from time to time through the pigeon service centres available all over the country. Some best features accompany the stove, they include, 

Hardened glass material – The glass top stoves are made up of a hardened glass of German technology. This hardened glass can be broken easily, and they are scratch proof. These glass top stoves can be moved from one place to another depending upon your requirement. They do not crack under pressure or heat. They are easy to clean and maintain.

The powder-coated metal body surrounds Powder-coated body – The thick glass top. These metals can be continuously cleaned and washed using standard cleaning products without getting registered or any type of scratches. Because of this, the stove will look new for an extended period despite their constant usage. 

Knobs and nozzles – One of the essential parts of the stove is the case outlet or nozzle that connects the stove to the gas cylinder tube. These outlets can be rotated over 360 degrees allowing free movement of the stove. The knobs of the stove are used to adjust the heat levels. They can be altered by using individual Nylon knobs that are resistant to heat and scratches.  

Along with these, the stove is held in a place through special rubber stands. They also prevent the stove from causing scratches on the surface. The burners are surrounded by individual spill-proof stainless steel plates and powder coated pans to hold the vessel in place. The size of the stove is 35 x 15x 10 cm, and they weigh only 9.4 kilograms. They are of less weight and portable. The burners are made up of unique brass material, and there are two large and two small burners.



Although there are multiple models available in the market, these three have been preferred by most of the people. Along with that, these three models are produced by some of the branded companies. This list ensures safety and constant servicing in the future. If you are thinking about purchasing a stove, the brand also plays a significant role. But along with that, it is essential to make sure that the stoves you are buying are safe and protected from gas leakages. Always have a fire extinguisher at home. And if there is any kind of leakage, follow all the precautions said above and remain safe. These stoves can be purchased through online portals like Amazon and Flipkart, or they can be purchased directly from the brand showroom. So stop thinking and buy your favourite model and start cooking.